1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

^955 Very good vintage in ail areas, particularly so in Champagne—the Clarets, Burgundies and Ports were well balanced and fruity—the Hocks and Moselles also very good. 1957 Excellent for Burgundy, Hocks and Moselle. The Clarets and Champagne were also very good but not plentiful. 1958 Port only this year, and it seems to be developing well. ^959 The year of great sunshine and great wines— produced fine wines in all vineyards, particularly with Clarets, Burgundy, Hocks and Moselles. Judgement on Champagne although a little pre mature, is that we are all living in great hopes ofit being a wonderful wine. 1960 Good year for all White wines, especially the White Burgundies, Hocks and Moselles—Port also shows great promise. 1961 Very good year in most areas—Clarets should mature well and worth laying down.



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