1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

type ofcocktail may be drunk after meals,as well as before. They will mostly contain liqueurs which have excellent digestive qualities (i.e. Stinger, Classic, Sidecar, Brandy Crusta).

Collins A tall effervescent, iced drink, containing spirits, sugar and lemon or lime juice. Served in a glass of about 14 oz. Very re freshing drink at any time, especially after a heavy night before or a strenuous game of tennis, golf or cricket. Cooler Same type of drink as the Collins' family. True to its name, a long well iced cooling summer drink. Has a base ofspirits (includ ing sloe gin) and sugar,lemon,ice and soda. Serve in a 14 oz. glass.

Cordials Continental. Correct name which embodies all liqueurs and other sweetened aromatic spirits, but in England we are apt to confuse it with non-alcoholic fruit squashes.

Crustas The ideal concentrated summer drink, decorated with fruit and lemon peel. Served in a frosted sugar rimmed glass, fairly tall (about 6 oz.). Drink is well shaken with ice and contains spirits, liqueurs and fruitjuices and nutmeg.


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