1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

Health Service

Since herbs playsuch a prominent partin the make-up of most old and new medicines,and likewise in the making of most gins, spirits, aperitif wines, liqueurs and bitters, etc., it is therefore not surprising that many present-day ailments can be completely cured by gazing into the cocktail crystal bowl. From just a sip ofthe Elixirs ofLife as given within, taut nerve strings will relax Uke unstretched elastic bands; Hangover Pink Elephants, Alligators, Snakes and Lizards will disappear and seek new masters. Even the ghosts ofthe dear departed will hover around to chuckle gleefully as the family solicitor readsouttheir wills to expectant benefactors. Taking then, our peculiar human ailments in their manner of priority, we come first to that most common curse of mankind. We remember those mornings when although summer has burst forth in all its glory along the English countryside, our own world has become deathly and as morbid looking as a London November fog—whilst


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