1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier


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A wonderful Pick-me-up Is Bromo Seltzer (see recipe). Angostura and Schweppes Soda, Brandy and Schweppes Soda, Morning Glory Fizz and Morning Glory Daisies (see recipes) are helpful concoctions the morning after. Bass Ale or any English Ale Is the least harmful thing to take against sleeplessness. Champagne will be found the best remedy for air and sea sickness. Headache can be cured by sniffing strong Anis"Pernod fils ". One glass of strong Anis"Pernod fils"drunk neat and very slowly will also cure neuralgia. Indigestion can be cured with Fernet Branca and Italian Vermouth before meals, and after meals with Fernet Branca and Creme de Menthe (see recipes). The best drink to cure a sore throat is a"Koldkure"(see recipe). Honey mixed with Brandy, Whiskey, etc., hot or cold, are also good coldcures (see recipes). The Highbinder (see recipe) will cure Diarrhoea. To prevent a cold or Influenza, take a hot Toddy or Gluhwein (see recipes) after retiring to bed. Quinine, Asplrlne or Indian Tonic water with a little Lemon juice are good remedies for Fever. Strong black Coffee with a few drops of Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia will quickly dissipate the fumes of alcohol. M P P P M p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 144 .Q E g P g g g M P g g P P P P


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