1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier

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SPICED RUM In small heated tumbler: two lumps of Sugar dissolved in little boiling water, a pinch of Allspice, one glass of Rum, a small piece of Butter; fill with boiling waiter, stir and serve. SWEDISH PUNCH See page 83. TOM & JERRY FOR ABOUT FIFTY DRINKS Twelve Eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately; mix toge ther in large bowl, a teaspoon of Allspice, one bottle of Rum, one pound of powdered Sugar, stir thoroughly to thicken. How to serve Tom & Jerry : In large heated cup or tumbler, a tablespoon of above mixture, one- half glass of Brandy: fill with boiling Milk while stirring to a foam, grate Nutmeg on top and serve. (Boiling water may be used Instead of boiling Milk, If preferred).

MILK PUNCH In heated tumbler:ateaspoonof Sugar, sufficient boilingMilk to dissolve Sugar, one-half glass each of Rum and Brandy; fill withboilingMilk,stirand serve. See page 83. PORT WINE or SHERRY WINE HOT In small saucepan: a tablespoon of water, one lump of Sugar, a pinch of Allspice, a small piece of Orange or Lemon peel, one glass of Port or Sherry; heat to foam, but do not boil ; strain intoheatedwineglass and serve. PORT WINE NEGUS In small heated tumbler: one lump of Sugar dissolved in little boiling water, one glass of red Port; add boiling water for desired temperature, grate Nutmeg on top and serve. SHERRY WINE NEGUS The same as Port Wine Negus, except use sweet Sherry.

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