1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier

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BRANDY & HONEY In small tumbler;a piece of Ice, a teaspoon of Honey, leaving spoon in tumbler, one glass of Brandy; stir and serve with glass of water. PEACH BRANDY & HONEY, RUM & HONEY or either WHISKEY & HONEY as above except use liquor chosen. BYRRH CASSIS In tumbler or large wineglass: a piece of Ice, a teaspoon of Creme de Cassis, one glass of Byrrh; add Schweppes soda water or syphon and serve. CAFE & KIRSCH (Cold) In tumbler:two orthree pieces of Ice, one-half glass of Kirsch ; fill with cold black Coffee,stir, and serve with powdered Su gar if desired.

CHAMBERY FRAISE In tumbler or large wineglass: a piece of Ice, a teaspoon of Strawberry syrup, one glass of Chambery Vermouth; add sy phon orSchweppessoda water, stir and serve. COLUMBIA SKIN In shaker: a teaspoon of Sugar, the juice of one-half Lemon, a teaspoon of Curasao, one glass of Rum:shake well,strain into small wineglass and serve. BRANDY,GIN or either WHIS KEY SKIN asabove using liquor chosen. See page 66. CORPSE REVIVER N° 2^ In tumbler: a piece of Ice, the juice of one-quarter Lemon, one glass ofAnis"Pernod fils"; fill with Champagne, stir and serve. See page 28. DOG'S NOSE In tumbler: one-half bottle of Stout;a dash of Gin and serve. IIIWLidia

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CASSISCO A popular French Drink.

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In tumbler or large wineglass: a piece of Ice, a tablespoon of Creme de Cassis, one-half glass of Brandy; add Schwep pes soda water or syphon, stir and serve.

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