1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier

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RHINE WINE or MOSELLE & SELTZER In tumbler:two-thirds of chill ed Rhine or htoselle wine,one- third of cold Schweppes soda water or syphon and serve. ROCK & RYE In small tumbler: a piece of crushed Rock Candy or one teaspoon of Rock Candy syrup, leaving spoon in tumbler,one glass of Rye Whiskey; a few dropsofLemon Juice,ifdesired, serve with glass of Ice water. SHANDY GAFF In large tumbler: half cold Pale Ale, half cold Ginger Ale; stir gently and serve. SHERRY & EGG In cocktail glass: a dash of Sherry, the yolk of an Egg; fi|| with Sherry and serve; or in cocktail glass half-filled with Sherry, drop the yolk of an Egg and serve.

SOYER AU CHAMPAGNE Intumblerhalf-filled with crack ed Ice: a tablespoon of Orange juice,a teaspoon each of Maras chino and Brandy; fill with Champagne, stir, add slice of Orange, Fruit of season and serve with spoon. STONE FENCE In tumbler: a large piece of Ice, one glass of Bourbon or Rye Whiskey; fill with sweet Cider, stir and serve. STONE WALL in tumbler:a large piece of Ice, one-halfteaspoon ofSugar,one glass ofScotch Whisky,fill with Schweppes soda water,stir and serve. TOISON D'OR In cocktail glass half-filled with shaved Ice: half yellow Char treuse, half Danziger Wasser. An After-Dinner Drink.

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