1937 Bar La Florida Cocktails

M ORE fliarr a cerrfury a-go-irr frre slmpier d'ays of 1819-a typical Spanish chophouse rose above the walls at the entrance of the Monserrate gate'. It w.as a ple'a-sant grilled structure, a rendevous fO'r beaux, muslci;ms, army oificers;, attorneys, actors, genfle'– men of culture and honor, desirous to partake of ti-le delicious arld fasfy "mixed gin" GYr cherry B'rnrldy. Ladies in their carriages. under bright silken parasols; sipped ·de– licious brandies. while bein1~ c;:ourted by their gallanit !d t~ ''Silver P'imr"', This was oved a century ago. Now-with t'he p·assing a·f yea-rs - the " Slrver Pine:'"' facing Albear Square, overrooking the old coh'5n·ial sfreet~ filled witli tradifions of ifs romanfa: pasf, ha§ be.m renam– ed "La Florida". "The Silver Pirre' ' and "la FT6rfda" cafe sfill sta'rld, ffre former if1l our remembrance, the latter ir1 the reali fy of lifes da;:fy t6fl, servin'g the public, business m'en, i:ioliti– c:ians, professforrals, wrifers ancf fhe rrrosf beautiful 6'f elegant wo)'!:)en, wifh exquisite whipped frbl'if tui<:es a!i\lcl monts de~rca1ie wines and cocktails "The Sirve·r P'ine" cliof)house was transformed d'urirri;; fhe days of fl'i'e American occupafiorl' info a fleadquarter~ for the goocf Yankee tipplers. The b, have c·onverted fhe gl'ori'ous and historic cO'n"fer ir1'11o a r.e• fuge of. Art a-r1d P'oefry.

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