1937 Bar La Florida Cocktails

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2 Ont:as Gin Cordon. l Cucharadita azucar. l Clara de huevo. J ugo de 1 /t lint6n.

2 Ounces Gordon Giri'. l Teaspoonful Sugar. The White gf l Egg. Se'i'eral Dashes of white·

Creme de Menthe.

Varias gotas menta bfiirtca Muy batidei y colado.

Shake well and strain into


SOBERANO BRANDY HIGHBALL Vasito de Cognac Soberano. Small glass of Soberano Cog~ Pedazo de 1-iielo. nae. Plenty Cracked Ice. 1/4 agua mineral aparte, % of mineral water.


La piel de un iugo.

lirti6n sin

l Lemon· Pel!!I Squee:i:ed. 112 Teaspoonful Fernet· Branca. llz Martini Rossi Vermouth l!z Gordon's Sloe Cin. % Teaspoonful Sugar. Cracked fee. Shake well and strafrt lnfo cocktail glass. Serve with several almonds or wall'luts.

l/z Cucharadita Fernet Branca. 1/2 Vermouth Marfirti Ro9Si \12 Sloe Gin Gordon. 1/4 Cucharadifa azucar. Hielo. Batido y colado. Sirvase Con varias afme!1- dras o l"\'ueces.


Y2 Cucha'r

1 /z Teaspoonful Cura·cao. l Teaspoonful Sugar. 2 Ounces Scofh Whiskey.

Mint leaf.

V2 lemon and pee l.

Cracked Ice.

Shake ·.veil from one gfa'S'§ to anofhe'r, sfrair ~n :I ser..-0>',


Made with