1937 Bar La Florida Cocktails
2 Onzas Rye Whiskey. I Cucharadita Anisette. La pie! comµ let"l de un Ii· m6n verde. Hielo rnen•Jd(•. B'aticfo> y CO'- El borcfe' cm la cep·a· i rrr– preg'rtac:fo d~· itrn6n y azuC:a'r. Con la pie! cJel lim-011' denfro en esp-iraF. 2 Gofas Argostura. I ado.
2 Ounces Rye Whiskffy'. 1 Teaspoonful Anisette,
2 Oaslies Angvst-ura·.
Lemon Peel.
Cracked re~.
Shaker we·ll and strain. Frost brim of glass with sugar ancf lemon. Juice leaving pee[ insicfe glass.
VERMOUTH (Rahte'lito M. - Special)
1 Old F'ashioned Glass of cruslied ice. 'V2 Teaspoonful Sugar. l Lemon Peef Squeezed into the glass. T Dash Ar•go~tura·. 1 Spring Pepper-minf. V2 Teaspoontul Curacao.
tl n vas& dkf fasl-Yion lleno de Pi ielo menud>'.l. V2 Cuch<:11 aditc: de azucar. 1 Cascara de lim6n exp-ri· mido denfr 1 Teaspoonh.d Amer Picon 2 Ounces Marfini Ros;i Vermouth tQ fill glass. I Ounce Rey Whiskey. Shake weff ar"d strain\ then serve·, ---
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