1937 Café Royal Cocktail Book Coronation Edition





1 dash Peppermint, green. 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice. 1 teaspoon Curasao, white.

SUNRAYED Invented by Max Miiller

1/2 Prunelle, Bols. 1/2 Scotch Whisky. Shake.


1 teaspoonful Gomme Syrup. Juice of 1/4 Lemon. 1/3 Brandy.


2/3 Daiquiri Rum. Shake and strain.

4/10 Seagram's Bourbon Whisky. 4/10 Souverain.

SUVERBOURBON Invented by T. A. Richardson

1/10 Lemon Juice. 1/10 Orange Juice. Shake.

I %

1/3 Vodka, Latvian Rye. 1/3 Orange Juice. 1/3 Aurum. Dash Apricot Brandy. Shake.

SWALLOW Invented by G. Siepel

Made with