1937 Café Royal Cocktail Book Coronation Edition
INDEX The following are the names of many Cocktails of which space forbids giving the recipes. If any reader desires the recipe or recipes of any of these Cocktails they can be obtained from The United Kingdom Bartenders Guild, 43 Duke Street, St. James', London, S.W.I., post free, price 1/- per recipe.
A.A. Abbey A.B.C. Absinthe
Alice Mine Allen (Special) Allende Allies All in One Allison's Gem Allright All Wave Almond Amateur Night Ambassador Glover Club Amber Kiss Amber Light Ambrozia American Beauty American Club American Club Cooler Americano American Pousse American Flag Pousse Amok Amore Amy Johsuon
Angel's Wings Angler Angleterre Angus' Fernet Branca Anne's Delight Anniversary Ante
Absinthe Anisette Absinthe Special Accession Adam Adam and Eve Adam's Apple Adam*s Mistake Addington Advocaat Affinity Africa African After Dinner Special Airflow Air is Blue A.K. Alaska Albern Albemarle Fizz Albertine Alex Alexander Alexander's Sister Alexanne Alfonso Alfonso Special Algonquin Algonquin Sour Alice Alabama Fizz Alamagoozlum Alannah
Antilles Apache Aphrodite Apparent Appetiser Apple
Apple Bloom Apple Brandy Apple Car Apple Collins Apple Jack Apple Jack Rose Apple Jack Special Apre"s Dinner Apricot
Apricotcape Apricot Dry Apricot Sweet April in Paris
Ana Held Anderson Andy Andy Special Anemone Angel Blush Angel Face Angel's Breath Angel's Kiss Angel's Teat Angel's Tip
Ardent Ardsley Argosy Armada Armour
Army and Navy Army Crusader Around the World Arora Arctic Regions
Angel's Tip (Liqueur) Angel's Wing (Liqueur)
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