1937 Café Royal Cocktail Book Coronation Edition
SUPPLEMENTARY LIST Maiden's Blush Maiden's Dream Maiden's Kiss Maiden's Prayer Maid of the Mountains Maimi Taylor Major Mallory (Smith) Mandarin Manhatten Mansfield Manx Manyann Memphis Fizz Menedez M'En Fous Meridan Merrie England Merry Monarch Merry Widow Metropole Metropole, U.S.A. Metropole, Southern Style Mexican Eagle
(Seefirst page of this Section)
Morning Morning After Morning Glory Fizz Morning Star
Moris Ten Morrocco Moss Rose
Mother's Knee Moulin Rouge Mount Stephen Mousme Moussec Crustas Moussec Pink Jug Mr. Manhatten Mud in your Eye Munk Murray Mule's Hind Leg Mule's Kick Muki-Oh Myers Rejuvenator Mystic Marvel Mytric
Miami Shore Mickey House Mid-day Midnight Midsummer Mighty Atom Mikado Mikado, No. 2 Milk Punch Miller Millionaire Millionaire Sour Milo Mimi Min Minaut Minerva Minesweeper Minnehaha Minnie Mint Mint, No. 2 Mint, No. 3 Mint Fizz Mint Sprey Mirabell Mira Mare Missourie Punch Modern Moe-hee-toe Mojito Moll Monestry Montana Monte Carlo Beach Montpelier Montreal Blazer
Manzanilla Maple Leaf
Maragato Marawish Marco Polo Margaret Illington Gup Marguerite Marina Marina Green Marion Special Marmon Marnier's Dream Marny Marquette Marshal Marticot Martinez Martini Martini Caresser Martini Club Martini Dry Martini Fizz Martini Grape Fruit Martini Old Fashioned Martini Quarter Deck Martini Special Martini Sweet Marvel
Nana National Narragansett Nautilus Navy Nectar
Negrita Nerver Netherland Netherland Plaza Sour Neveda Newbury New Brunswick New Deal New Inn, The New Life Newman New Nineteen-Twenty New Orleans Newport New York Whisky New Yorker New Yorker Special Nice and Tasty Nick of Time Nicholas Nickey Nicolaski
Mary Garden Mary Pickford Mary Rose Maurice Mauser Mavis Mavis Delight Mayfair Mayflower Maytime Medford Rum Meehoulong
Montmarte Moonbeam Moon Raker Moonshine
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