1937 Café Royal Cocktail Book Coronation Edition

GLOSSARY ABRICOTINE. —A French Apricot Brandy. Colour bright tawny; flavour " apricot" and Cognac. Made by Gamier. ABSINTHE. — A highly concentrated wormwood dis- tillate. ADET. —A Cognac. It is bottled in two colours, white and dark. ADVOCAAT,— A Dutch liqueur. Yellow in colour; flavour eggs and Brandy. AMER PICON. —A bitter liqueur wine. An aperitif . AMOURETTE.— A French liqueur. ANGELICA. —A Basque liqueur. Pale yellow in colour, very sweet, flavoured with Angelica and Pyrenees plants. ANGOSTURA.— A popular brand of " Bitters." It is made at Port of Spain, Trinidad, with Rum as its basis and a number of aromatical herbs and roots. ANIS. —Aniseed flavoured spirit. A sweet liqueur. ANISETTE. —A liqueur. Colourless and sweet, flavour aniseed. APERITIF. —French for a short, strong and often bitter drink, supposed to give one an " appetite " before meals. APPLE BRANDY. —Distilled Cider, a colourless potable spirit, usually of high strength and unsweetened. APPLE GIN. —There are two varieties, sweet and dry. It is a Gin combined with the soluble ingredients of the apple. Greenish tint in colour.

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