1937 Café Royal Cocktail Book Coronation Edition



1/3 Orange Juice. 1/3 Curagao, White. 1/3 Brandy. Shake.

GOLDEN LADY Invented by Gerald Kappe

GOLDEN PINE Invented by Fred Gage

1/4 " Dole " Pineapple Juice. 1/4 Grand Marnier. 1/2 Gin. Shake.

GOLFER'S SPECIAL Invented by H. Slack

1/3 Cherry Brandy. 1/3 Booth's Gin. 1/6 Lillet. 1/6 Lemon Juice. Dash of Orange Bitters. Shake.


GOODY-GOODY Invented by C. Bongarzoni

1/2 Booth's Gin. 1/4 Dubonnet.

1/8 fresh Lemon Juice. 1/8 Yellow Chartreuse. Shake.

Made with