1937 Here is Something that will interest you (3 rd edition)


Good cider can only be made from a special form of Qder apple which is grown largely in the West of England; there are many varieties, the best known being the "Foxwhelp" and "Kingston Black". These apples are very sweet, have httle acidity, and an astringent quaUty which gives the Qder made from them both character and body. This beverage has many claims to favour for general household use; it has a dehghtfuUy refreshing character and, while containing just suiEcient alcohol to stimulate appetite and digestion, is quite suitable for aU but the very youngest members of the family. It has also been recognised for many years by the medical profession as one of the best preventatives and cures for gout and rheumatism, and to have exceptional properties as a tonic. The Qders produced in the respective cider-making counties differ considerably in style and flavour, the choice being one of individual taste; here they are— all excellent—we suggest you try each in turn .. degustibus non est disputandum. DEVONSHIRE: "VICTORIA" Brand (The Victoria Wine Co., Ltd.). "SYMONS'"(Jno. Symons& Co., Ltd.) HEREFORD: "BULMER'S" (H. P. Buimer & Co., Ltd.). SOMERSET: "LORNA DOONE"(The Victoria Wine Co.,Ltd.). NORFOLK: "GAYMER'S" (Wm. Gaymer & Co. Ltd.).


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