1937 Here is Something that will interest you (3 rd edition)

oil, a little sugar, i wineglass of Claret and the juice from the beetroot. Pour this dressing over the salad and let stand for 12 hours. Before serving, cover with a sauce made with 2tablespoons ofoil and 2ofvinegar, seasoned with salt and pepper. The oil and vinegar are put in a double saucepan and stirred till the mixture becomes quite thick. Garnish the salad with hard-boiled egg and beetroot. Put 3 whole eggs in a saucepan and beat to a cream with 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add the juice and finely chopped peel of a | lemon, i teaspoon of flour, i pint of water and i pint of sparkling Moselle. Simmer on a slow fire, beating continuously, but do not let the soup boil. When hot, remove the lemon peel and serve. It should be light and frothy. HVLD SAGOSUPPE or WHITE SAGO SOUP Put 2^ ozs. of sago in a saucepan containing 3 pints of boihng water with the juice of a lemon, 2 ozs. of raisins and J lb. ofsugar and boil for about 20 minutes until the sago is transparent. Beat 2 eggs, put them in the soup tureen and add the sago soup gradually, mixing thoroughly. Add Sherry according to taste. Put the fillets in a fire-proof dish, season them with salt and pepper, sprinkle with 2 or 3 chopped shallots and pour over them i or 2 glasses of Cider according to the number of fillets. Cook in a moderate oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, or till the fish is tender. When done, put the cider in a small saucepan, add 3 or 4 tablespoons of butter, a little flour, stir well, tiU it begins to thicken slightly and is perfectly smooth, add I teaspoon of chopped parsley and pour over the fish. WEINSCHAUMSUPPE or SPARKLING WINE SOUP EES FILLETS DE SOLE AU CIDRE or FILLETS OF SOLE WITH CIDER


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