1937 Here is Something that will interest you (3 rd edition)


TO NIP A COLD IN THE BUD J ofa tumbler Scotch Whisky,the juice ofa lemon. Fill with boiling water and drink between blankets. (or) I tablespoonful of honey, J gill of Jamaica Rum. Fill up with boiling water to taste. Grate nutmeg on top. (or)Into a saucepan put 2 lumps of sugar, a slice of lemon, I piece of cinnamon and J pint of good Claret. Boil and drink hot between blankets. (or) Buy a bottle of whisky and have plenty of hot water handy. Soak your feet in hot mustard and water,light a candle and get into bed. Keep sipping the hot whisky and water, preferably sweetened with honey,imtil you can see two candles. Continue the treatment until you see three candles,then snuff outthe middle one,turn over and go to sleep. TO CURE A MORNING HEADACHE Cocktail of J Fernet Branca,i Italian Vermouth,i Dry Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. (Fernet Branca, an Italian vegetable extract, is a wonderful headache cure.) TO KEEP OUT RAW AND WINTRY WEATHER One small wineglassful of Warnink's Advocaat. Fill up with fresh milk. Shake well and strain into long tumbler. Grate a little nutmeg on top. I fresh egg, I dessertspoonful sugar, J gill of Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum,Best London Gin or Whisky. Shake up with fresh milk and strain into large tumbler. Grate nutmeg on top. I fresh egg,i gill Curasao,i gill Cognac Brandy. Shake up with fresh milk and strain into large tumbler. Grate nutmeg on top. TO PROVIDE A GENERAL TONIC A small wineglassful of Warnink's Advocaat (egg-brandy) taken about ii a.m. daily. (or) The yolk ofafresh egg,sugar to taste, J gill of Dry Pale Sherry(Manzanilla),add grated nutmeg on top. (Port may be substituted for the sugar and Sherry.)


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