1937 Liquid Gems a book of Drinks for the Fastiduous Drinker

One More Word to the Reader Delving into the realm of Bacchus and Bac chante,a subject so complex and vast in its rami fications that volumes could be filled and still leave much unsaid, I would like to make it clear that the opinions offered in regard to the drinks listed on the following pages are solely my own and should be accepted or discarded as such. I have, of course, no illusion of being able to tell anyone what they would like to drink.Such an idea would be not only presumptuous but also foolish, because drinking of spirituous beverages is pri marily for pleasure and effect,and therefore gov erned by the individual taste alone. If a man likes the taste of a drink,and the next day still likes it, then that drink is a good drink to him,and nothing could,or should,change his opinion. In the perusal of this text, you may discover a few libations which particularly appeal to your sense of taste. Should such be the case, I then will feel my efforts have not been in vain. J.R. I.

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