1937 U.K.B.G. Approved Cocktails (United Kingdom Bartender's Guild)


BASS WYATT (6 Glasses),

Beat up 4 eggs and add 4 glasses of Dry Gin. f glass Cherry Brandy or Curacao. i glass Lemon Juice. 4 dashes Orange Bitters. i tablespoonful Powdered Sugar. 1 tablespoonful Vanilla Flavouring. Shake and strain into medium-size glass. Grate nutmeg on top. Frost glass with castor sugar.


50% Vat 69 Whisky. 25% French Vermouth. 25% Martini Vermouth. Shake.


50% Booth's Dry Gin. 25% French Vermouth. 25% Martini Vermouth.

White of an Egg. 1 dash Absinthe. 2 dashes Grenadine. Shake.


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33^% Grenadine. 66f% Dry Gin. 1 teaspoonful Fresh Cream. Shake and strain into cocktail glass.


12^% Maraschino. 25% Pineapple Syrup. 12J% Cura9ao. 6 dashes Angostura Bitters. 50% Old Brandy. Mix and serve with a piece of lemon peel.

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