1938 The Cocktail Hour


PLANTATION Cocktail I 3rd Hiram Walker's De Luxe American Bourbon Whiskey l/3rd Grapefruit Juice ^ I/3rd Orange Juice Dash of Angostura Bitters. FOX RIVER Cocktail In a wineglass put I lump of Sugar saturated with Peach Bitters, add I lump of Ice, I glass of Hiram Walker's De Luxe American BourbonWhiskey and I teaspoon- ful of Creme de Cacao. Squeeze a piece of Lemon Peel on top, stir slightly and serve.

every gxrl feels she could occasion considerable bloodshed were duelling still in vogue.



Some cyntc has said that the real reason why men should be restricted to one wife is- that no man can serve two masters.

BLUEBEARD'S PASSION Cocktail i Hiram Walker's De Luxe American Bourbon Whiskey 1 Passion fruit natural t/8th Blue Curacao l/8th French Vermouth 2 dashes Strawberry Syrup 2 dashes Angostura Bitters.

funny thing when a man anything on earth to about, he goes off, and

It's a hasn't

gets married.

SUNRAY Cocktail i Hiram Walker's De Luxe

American Bourbon Whiskey

i Grand Marnier i Lillet i Orange Juke dhake.

Everybody pleasure in

is able to give some way. One

person may do it by coming into a room, and another person by going out.


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