1939 Cock-tails Bar la Florida

MANHATTAN (Medio duico)

Noilly Prat Vermouth. 1/^ Canadian Club Whiskey. 1 Dash Angostura. Cracked ice. Do not shake. Let it become very cold,strain and serve.

Vermouth Noilly Prat. Whiskey Canadian Club. 1 Gota Angostura. Hielo menudo. Enfriese sin batirlo y cudlese.


y Grape Fruit Juice. 1 TeaspoonfulMarraschino 2 Ounces Urania Gin. 1 Teaspoonful Grenadine. y The -white of an Egg. Cracked ice. Shake -well and strain into cocktail glass.

Jugo de toronja. 1 CucharaditaMarrasquino 2 Onzas Ginebra Urania. 1 Cueharadita Granadina. I/; Clara huevo. Ilielo menudo. Batido y co- lado.

martini (Seco)

Gordon's Gin. Dry Brochi Vermouth. 2 Dashes Orange Bitter. Cracked ice. Do not shake. Allow it to get very cold and strain. Serve with one olive.

Y2 Ginebra Gordon. y^ Vermouth Brochi Seco. 2 Gotas Orange Bitter. Helo menudo. Enfriese sin batirlo y cufelese. Slrvase con una aceituna.

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