1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book
a scant pony of raspberry syrup, 2 to 3 jiggers of claret or Burgundy, the juice of I green lime or Yi lemon. Fill up with lemon soda and garnish with a sprig of mint. NOW a REFRESHING COOLER from BARCELONA CALLED "RED SNow," a LuscIOus & PLEASANT THING for SUMMER, & MILD ENOUGH to SuIT the MosT SEDATE of MEN The summer before several nations besides the Spanish undertook to alter the map of Spain to suit their own ideas, we had a very old and dependable friend who thought it a good idea at the time to cycle over Spain with a rucksack and paint box over her back. Spanish red wine is not vital, and we suggest Burgundy be substituted; or claret. Strain the juice of Yi lemon or I small green lime, retain the spiral peel of the fruit, about I tsp sugar or grenadine syrup, I dash of orange flower water. Turn into this I cup of Burgundy, of Valdepefias from Spanish La Mancha, or any good Spanish vino tinto; any good claret. Pack a big goblet with shaved ice and pour everything into it, or bet– ter still pour the blend into The Mixer with a cupful of finely cracked ice, and make it into a sherbet-like rosy tinted condition which, when it is poured into a goblet, speedily melts enough to drink but remains cold far longer than the usual claret lemonade that has merely been iced in the refrigerator. Finally dust a little nutmeg on top; the Span– ish touch. ' REMEMBER the MAINE, a HAZY MEMORY of a NIGHT in HAVANA during the UNPLEASANTNESSES of 1933, when EACH SWALLOW WAs PUNCTUATED with BoMBS GoING off on the PRADO, or the SouND of 3 11 SHELLS BEING FIRED at the HoTEL NACl 0 N AL, then HAVEN for CER– TAIN ANTI-REVOLUTIONARY OFFICERS Treat this one with the respect it deserves, gentlemen. Take a tall bar glass and toss in 3 lumps of ice. ·Onto this foundation donate the following in order given: 1 jigger of good rye whisky, Yi jigger Italian vermouth, I to 2 tsp of cherry brandy, Yi tsp absinthe or Pernod Veritas. Stir briskly in clock-wise fashion-this makes it sea-going,
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