1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


made up the things we ate I-she commanded ingredients, and after a pause, had them brought to the small room with the sliding screens that gave out on a small garden close where the magnolias drifted the rose-snow of their petals against the high gray wall; and so she sat there in the bamboo print kimono they gave her to wear, and mixed a trio of these for old times' sake, to Russia as she ·had quit it ahead of bayonets in 1917, a pale gold haired child of II or 12. Into a crystal goblet put l cup of finely cracked ice, and onto this pour l Yz jiggers of good cognac and the same of the best Gilka k iim– mel, stir for a moment and fill the goblet with chilled extra dry cham– pagne. Garnish with a single flower petal, or bloom. It is not a drink to be taken lightly, but advisedly, reverently. CAP HAITIEN RUM & HONEY, or CLAIRENE au MIEL, a WARY ExoTic CoNTRIBUTED by GLENN "STIFF" STEWART of EASTON, MARYLAND, & MIAMI BEACH, WHo SPENT MucH TIME in HAITI as AMERICAN MINISTER We have mentioned Glenn Stewart briefly in Volume I, and we can assure all readers that he is a gentleman of parts, who knows many dishes, many drinks, and probably more about pre-Columbian his– tory than any layman alive.... Clairene, in Haiti, is merely raw white rum, but we have found that when Yz Bacardi and Yz Haitian or any good aged dark rum is substituted, the drink acquires char– acter, discretion and merit. . . . Dissolve l tsp or 2 of strained honey with 1 Yz jiggers of this rum blend into an old fashioned cocktail glass. Stir well, turn into this fluid Yz the glass full of finely cracked ice and stir like a Martini to chill well. No bitters, no garnish. THE SAIGON SPECIAL, another ODD DfµNK from the CAPITAL CITY of FRENCH INDo-CmNA & DATING from the YEAR 1925 This dates back to 1925 when the goo~ old SS RESOLUTE stopped 1 in French Inda-China, and some of our friends undertook to fly up– river as near to the marvellous Cambo.dian ruins of Angkor, as might be sane, then to motor back via Pnom Penh-imagine a place called

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