1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book
THE GENTLEMAN'S COMPANION syrup is conventional. Now add the juice of 1 small green lime, or Yz a small lemon, carefully strained, of course. Shake well and serve in a flute cocktail glass with a stem. No garnish, and straws may be stuck to the lip of the glass-scarlet straws, please. KELLY'S SHAMROCK SPECIAL, from the BAR at the OLD KELLY'S Rrrz, which WAS a FAMOUS CABARET at the WESTERN, or PACIFIC ENTRANCE of the BIG DITCH, & which UsED to GROW MoRE & MoRE INTERESTING with EVERY FLOOR DATING from GRADE! One of the eight or ten times we've prowled the Zone, it became prudent to spring two American friends from the local native city Cuartel-jail in Americana-where they were incarcerated for slight offenses not necessary to mention. The celebration, on St. Patrick's day, resulted in the following brain-child, in co-operation with the then head barkeep of Kelly's Ritz. . . Barring this, shake with finely cracked ice. Dry gin, 1 jigger Bar sugar or syrup, Yz tsp Egg, white 1 Mix with shaved ice, and frappe diligently-preferably with an electric machine like The Mixer; shake through a sieve into a tall cocktail glass with stem, garnish with a clover leaf or shamrock-we used a sprig of mint. This sieve business builds the drink into a conical mound. THE FAMOUS SHANGHAI BUCK, a CLASSIC in this VAsT PoRT which CoNsuMES-or Dm CONSUME, at LEAST, before the JAPANESE IssuE-MoRE BACARDI RuM than any other ,CITY on EARTH The British Shanghai Club Bar, on the Bund at Shanghai, for years boasted the longest mahogany strip in the known world, but has of course long since been surpassed here, after America shrugged off the arid yoke of prohibition. The fact remains, that it has more at– mosphere right now to the square inch than most chromium plated Lime, juice 1 small, Yz large Green creme de menthe, 2 tsp
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