1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


EXPLODED old ALEWIVES' TALES No. II, PLEADING that JUST BECAUSE PAST TEMPERANCE DRINKS HAVE usu– ally BEEN UNATTRACTIVE & UNGARNISHED, this SIN SHOULD NOT PREVAIL in MODERN TIMES Again we urge readers to consider that any drink that intrigues the eye has already half conquered. Ice cubes may be tinted in a second to afford any desired shade; sprigs of green mint, cherries, straw– berries, raspberries, and other fresh or candied fruits; rose and violet petals-au nature/le or candied, anything pretty the heart desires may quickly be frozen into each cube. The variety is limited solely by the imagination.... To suspend fruits in center of cube-freeze first with tray half full; then center up fruits, add water to fill tray full, and freeze again. If garnish is desired on top of cubes, fill tray almost full, freeze; tee up fruit and freeze again after adding a tiny bit of water. To our mind a sw!;et temperance drink has to look mighty, mighty pretty to be intriguing. This may also apply to other citizens con– fronted with spirituous aridity at any current function! GENERAL J. .K. L. HARKRIDER'S FAMOUS STONE BOTTLE GINGER BEER No. I, a FINE TIME-TESTED RECEIPT for this AROMATIC BEVERAGE so EssENTIAL in JAMAICA & SHANGHAI BucKs, in SINGAPORE RAFFLES GIN SLINGS, as WELL as a TASTY CooLER in hs OWN TEMPERATE RIGHT, FouND in LONDON SUMMER of 1932 This is one of the oldest temperance beverage receipts we own, and dates well back into Georgian days in rural England, Circa 1766. To our way of thinking a rich ginger beer is to average ginger ale as Napoleon brandy is to Nawth Ca'lina white mule. Stone bottles may be ordered in for us by the country grocer, on a few days' notice, and in big towns we may find "empties" in any good delicatessen or pro– vision store. Of course this ginger beer may be bottled in glass, but that too is like modernizing any mellowed and ancient custom, or like a charming girl in sport slacks who wears high heels; for then certain of the charm flies out the window, through needless incon– sistency. Brief comparison of these two formulae shows that No. II, that of the famous Dr. Pereira, employs honey and no yeast since ... "The . 142.

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