1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


Honey gives the Beverage a Peculiar Softness, and from not being Fermented with Yeast, it is Less Violent when Opened, but requires to be kept a Somewhat Longer Time before Use." General Harkrider's receipt calls for:

2 Yi lbs of sugar Yi oz cream of tartar 4 lemons, juice and rind

2 oz of ginger root 2 Yi gallons of boiling water 2 tbsp fresh brewer's yeast

Peel the lemons thin and put the cut up rind and strained juice in an earthenware crock, together with the bruised ginger root, the sugar and cream of tartar. Add the boiling water and when lukewarm stir in the brewer's yeast. Cover with a cloth and let ferment until next day. Now skim the yeast foam from the top, pour carefully through several thicknesses of cheesecloth, being careful also not to agitate the sediment in the crock. Put in stone bottles, thoroughly sterilized in boiling water. Ready to use in 2 weeks or so. If no ginger root is available add 1 tbsp of ground ginger to the hot water brew, or better still 2 tbsp of tincture of Jamaica ginger;stir well, and taste. Then add more ginger-ground or essence-I t~!:' at a time until it suits the taste. The lemon juice and rind are what point up this receipt. Sugar also may be stepped up slightly, to taste. This brew is enough to fill 3 doz average stone bottles. STONE BOTTLE GINGER BEER No. II, without YEAST, from the FAMOUS RECEIPT of DR. PEREIRA on DIScussING DmT, and DATING BACK WELL over HALF a CENTURY; & D1scoVERED by Us in LoNDoN, SUMMER of 1932 To our knowledge1this receipt dates back more than 6o years in England, and has always been a favourite with home-brewers of their own stone bottle ginger beer:It is very simple, an:d once again we sug– gest using Jamaica ginger tincture or essence, if no ginger r~t 'is available; and ground ginger if no liquid essence-gradually increas-

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