1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


Take I jigger of cognac, the same of blackberry brandy, turn into an Old Fashioned glass. Add I dash oil of peppermint and 3 dashes Jamaica ginger. Stir, dust nutmeg on top, waft up a prayer to any patron saint, and hope for the best. Not only is the uncertainty, the restless tendency done, but the mental and physical system is pleas– antly toned into a new and more solid foundation of cheerfulness. FOR MAL de T"P.TE, a PROVEN REMEDY which WILL PROBABLY CALL DoWN the ANATHEMA of ALL GRADUATE PHYSICIANS yet which HAs on MoRE than ONE OccAsION, SAVED OuR OWN LIFE Take 2 Tom Collins glasses. Into I put I cup of water, 3 dashes of aromatic spirits of ammonia, 2 dashes of phosphate. Into the empty glass put 1Yz heaping teaspoons of bromo seltzer. Mix back and forth, and when Yz subsided, drink. WORDS to the LIQUID WISE No. XIX, on a TRIED and TRUE METHOD of PICKING UP the SAD REMAINS of OUR BEST CRYSTAL WINE GLASSES, SHATTERED by the ACCIDEN– TAL or CARELESS- HAND, & without INDUCED HEMOR– RHAGE through SURFACE CUTS on the HANDS Moisten a wad of common cotton very slightly, and after picking up the larger pieces, en;iploy a blotting motion to the areas infested with tiny sharp bits. They will come away on the cotton. MISCELLANEOUS BAR EQUIPMENT without which the MIXER is PmNTEDL y a LAME DucK I paring knife costing not less than seventy-five cents, and a small cutting board. I lemon squeezer I pair of lime tweezers I medium coarse strainer about 1 pint size 1 long-handled bar spoon I corkscrew-a decent one with a comfortable handle I bottle cap opener 5 quill or squirter tops, for bitters and grenadine bottles I ice shaver or very fine crusher for juleps, and so on.,This can either be electric, or manual. . . . A heavy canvas bag and wood mallet is as • 175 •

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