1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


Bay to the westward, and when they set the tables out on the grass terrace just before sunset the gunsight notch in the dead crater frames the sun. It is a pleasant spot, this terrace, one of the loveliest, in fact, in all the tropics. For there is always a bit of breeze, the shaded lights lend an air of intimacy to each rendezvous of the moment-and man how they do rendezvous in those island tropics! There is even a rniles– long plume of bats that exit from some distant mountain cave, and drift like a strand of smoke across the far off sky. The Polo Club not only produces crisp polo between service and civilian teams, but has always taken especial pride in the precision, the quality and service of its drinks. As Monk Antrim once said, "This Meriveles Velvet is an expensive sort of drink, but when you think everything over, it's worth it!" It will save life, nourish, encourage and induce sleep in insomniacs. Chill dry champagne well, chill a bottle of Guinness Stout. Get a big goblet and pour these two liquids in 'arf-and-'ar( Stir gently, and there we have it. CHAMPAGNE VELVET, a la MARMION, INVENTED ONE MEMO– RABLE CRUISE up LoNG IsLAND SouND to the CuP RAcES off NEWPORT in the YEAR 1934 Repeat this same process only use Bass Ale instead of the heavier, more bitter Guinness. Chill everything very cold. This one we met eye to eye, and under circumstances not relevant to this work, on returning through the Bois de Boulogne from a view at the current vintage of Davis Cup tennis, not so long ago. It is po– tent, dependable, but one of the most foetid conceptions ever to come out of shaker when served improperly chilled-for then it is vilely sweet. Chill long and vigorously.... Take a jigger of dry gin, and half that both of kirsch, and cherry brandy of the French type. Better mix with shaved ice and put in The Mixer. Float I tsp cherry brandy . 25 . THE PARISIAN CHERRY RIPE, ONE of the VERY FEw FRENCH CocKTAIL INVENTIONS worth lTs MEASURING TIME

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