1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


train, Imperial Airways flying boat, or da!tabeah-one of those odd, romantic looking and amazingly luxurious river sailing craft with their pointed lateen sails curving half moon style against the cloud– less sky-to Loucqsor know the Winter Palace and Aziz Effendi; know his superb gin fizz. It is a wonderful thing to sit on the terrace of a wine-clear evening, pleasantly wearied from a day of marveling in incredible Karnak, and after our drive in a carriage down the Avenue of the Sphinxes, with a 14 oz example of Aziz' art in our hands. Actually what he has done is to take the original New Orleans Silver Fizz, and through meticulous chilling and the use of fine Schweppes club soda instead of carbonated city-main water, has im– mortalized the thing like a graceful imported, expatriated, work of art, and set it up again in the Valley of the Nile. It may be com– manded with London dry gin or old Tom-to your wishes. The orange flower water is stepped up probably because the whole amaz– ing East adapts perfume to many more uses than the American office of making lovely ladies smell like bowers of roses.... Using a big glass the call is for more gin than usual. Put l to l Yi tsp of sugar into the shaker, add 2 jiggers of dry or old Tom gin-to preference-the juice of l small lemon, l pony of thick cream and l tbsp of fresh egg white. Put in lots of finely cracked ice, shake hard and long, turn into a big goblet leaving a few ice lumps floating. Add 2 or 3 good dashes of orange flower water. Now fill up with chilled Number l grade club soda. Stir once. Serve immediately and drink soon thereafter, since no gin fizz gains virtue even from brief neglect. THE BIRD of PARADISE, a COLOURFUL, EYE-FILLING EXPERIENCE WE FouND in SIGNING OuR NAMES to the BooK at the STRANGERS CLUB, COLON, PANAMA T~is strange little club has many famous names in its l~gbook, Robmson of the SVAAP, Alain Gerb-ault, poor Dick Halliburton whom we first met in Singapore before he flew to Sarawak in 1932, sitting at table with Ruth Elder and Walter Camp. We always have

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