1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


McPherson as a result of an alleged visit to his Bilgray's Tropic Bar and Cabaret, long a gay spot on the Isthmus. Now whether Aimee ever went to Bilgray's under the alias of Betty Adams; and if she went there, whether or not she found anything she wanted, are matters beyond our deductive powers. All we know is that we arrived one night just after this alleged inspection, and that Bilgray was mailing out post– cards, postage gratis-as many as we wanted-listing the Hallelujah ingredients. . . . Of course many thousands went out, and a million dollar lawsuit was instituted, and Aimee's mother forgot her squabble with daughter, and rallied to her defense. Even remote, pure and austere sheets like the New York Times had special cables, and we thought the whole business hugely amusing-and s?"angely enough, the drink is good. Quote: Babylonian Grape Brandy (Cognac) ................... · · · · I pony Ice from the Crest of Mount Sinai ... . ......... ·Lots, fin y cracked Lemon from the Desert of Sin ................. Lime juice, 4 drops Gomorrah and Sodom vermouth .................. Italian, r jigger Rum aged in Noah's Ark .................. Yz jigger; rye also used Add Caip's syrup from the Garden of Eden . ...... Yz tsp Grenadine You then give it the Hebrew shake and-pop a cherry on top Say Hallelujah after drinking! Not that it makes any great difference, but the initial letters of each line spell Bilgray's. Any drink known probably to a hundred thou– sand people in the last eight or nine years in Panama alone must have had something besides postcard appeal. . . . It should be served in a large saucer type champagne glass. THE HONEYMOON COCKTAIL, or LUNE de MIEL, Om of MANY STRANGE MEMORIES from a PLACE in PARIS KNOWN as CHEZ MA BELLE SOEUR, under CIRCUMSTANCES not RELEVANT to MEN– TION, CIRCA 1926 If the place still exists it can be found, if not we can assure those

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