1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


his own account.... We tried this during a recent local heat wave with results entirely at odds with the first reaction to its written formula. Take of the best gin possible, lYz jiggers, of coffee ice cream, l cup. Put into a chilled shaker and shake well, or better still in The Mixer. Some people add a few lumps of ice to hdp the chill-straining the latter out in serving. Pour into large saucer type champagne glasses. TWO ACCEPTED VERSIONS of the WoRLD FAMous ONE-&– ONLY MILLION DoLLAR CocKTAIL, which Is EsPECIALLY FAMous throughout JAPAN & the PHILIPPINE lsLANDS MILLION DOLLAR COCKTAIL No.~' as MlxED by SHIDEAKI SAITO, No. I BAR BoY at the IMPERIAL HoTEL, ToKYo, JAPAN, 1926, 1931 & 1932 First fill shaker 2/3 full of cracked ice then put in lYz jiggers old Tom gin, Yi pony of Italian vermouth,' 2 tsp pineapple syrup, l tsp of grenadine for colour, 2 tsp strained lemon juice, 2 tsp of thick cream and Yz the white of a fresh egg. Shake hard, strain into a big opulent-looking saucer champagne glass, and that's that. . . . Ver– mouth content is immediately varied by Saito to suit the palates of his various Million Dollar clients in Tokyo-running from l pony down to Yz pony. Some prefer French dry vermouth, but the standard blend calls for Martini & Rossi. MILLION DOLLAR COCKTAIL No. II, as MrXED by NoMuRA, the No. I BAR BoY at ToR HoTEL, KoBE, DATING from 1926, to 1931 & 1932 His formula was exactly the same as Saito's masterpiece except the vermouth was stepped up to l pony: and the lemon juice to 1 tbsp, strained of course; then l tsp grenadme. THE MIYAKO HOTEL SPECIAL From Kyoto, Japan, during the Cherry Blossom Festival, April 20 th, 1932. Japan is heart-breakingly beautiful enough by itself, and Kyoto was . 75 .

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