1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


raspberry, strawberry, mint, cherry, or other soda fountain syrups. They add a slight bouquet and taste, make a pretty looking drink. Vary by using stone bottle ginger beer for soda. THE MOOD INDIGO, BEING another ONE from another YEAR's CRUISING, FouND at GouLD's CASINO, in NICE, FRANCE, in 1932 Once again we happened into the Palais de la Mediterranee, accom– panied by a young and fluent maiden, to look about, to risk our top limit of 20 dollars-then-gold on roulette. That Gould's Palace really is something-and to our mind a modernistic dream conceivable only by a hybrid of Nero, Alice Foote MacDougall, and our friend Donald Desky. As the French maitre d'hotel told us-quoting from the book -"T ous les Galas de la Saison attirent-ils. une assistance d'elite dont l'elegance et la chic eclipsent les plus eccalantantes societes mon– daines." Be that as it may Gould's made tf.ie over-publicized and faintly funereal Casino at Monte Carlo look like a shaoby country cousin– they are reviving its sinking fortune with Keeno now, imagine itl– and someone suggested a Mood Indigo, and we wondered if it were a liquid compliment to Duke Ellington's music, and ordered 2-one of which we introduced to the young maiden, who then introduced herself to us. . . . Take 1 jigger of dry gin, Yz pony of cognac and anywhere from Yz to 1 pony of creme de violette, or parfeit amour. Adding 1 tsp of egg white is optional, and usual. Shake viciously with lots of cracked ice, serve promptly, and drink vis-a-vis. "Et quel dom– mage, M'sieu et Ma'mselle?" ... A violet blossom is the prettiest garnish. EL MOROCCO, which Is a CocKTAIL from NoRTH AFRICA, not any PRODUCT of NEW YoRK RESTAURANTS of SIMILAR NAME This is from the field notebook of a trusted friend on a Mediter– ranean cruise in 1938, and dated from Tangier, North Africa. Take 1 pony each of cognac, red port wi?e and ripe pineapple juice, putting it in a shaker with lots of cracked ice. Flavour further with 1 tsp each of grenadine and orange Cura~ao; and make tart with 2 tsp of lime

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