1945 Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers Union

SLOE GIN COCKTAIL Use mixing glass 1/2 shaved ice Juice 1/2 Lime 3/ 4 jigger Italian Vermouth % jigger Sloe Gin Sha'ke well. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with cherry· STINGER COCKTAIL Use mixing glass 1/2 shaved ice 1 jigger Brandy 'h jigger White Creme de Menthe Shake. · !:train into cocktail glass and serve. STINGEREE COCKTAIL Use mixing glass '/2 shaved ice 1 jigger Brandy 2 dashes Absinthe l/ 2 jigger White Creme de Menthe Shake well. Strain· into cocktail glass and serve. SUISESSE COCKTAIL Use mixing glass 1/2 shaved ice White of 1 Egg serve. WALDORF COCKTAIL Use mixing glass V2 shaved ice 1 dash Grenadine 1 jigger Cointreau '/2 jigger Italian Ve rmouth , Shake well. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with cherry. 29 2 dashes Anisette 1 jigger Absinthe Shake well. Strain into sour glass and

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