1945 Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers Union

POU:SSE CAFE (American Style) Use pousse cafe glass 1/ 6 glass Grenadine 1/ 6 glass Green Creme de Menthe 1/ 6 glass Creme de Violet 1/ 6 glass Yellow Chartreuse 1/ 6 glass Cointreau I / 6 glass Brandy Pour these cordials according to their specific gravity weights as shown on the bottles. Note: various colored cordials may be used in making Pousse Cafes. MILK PUNCH Use mixing glass 1;, shaved ice l barspoon Sugar 5 or 6 ozs. Milk 1h jigger Brandy 1;., jigger Rum Shake well. Strain into punch glass and serve with nutmeg on top. MILK SHAKE Use mixing glass V2 shaved ice I barspoon Sugar l whole egg 5 or 6 ozs. Milk Ehake well. Strain into punch glass. ServeĀ· with nutmeg on top. MILK AND EGG DRINKS


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