1945 Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers Union
l _.Barspoon equaIS 1 Teaspoon Standard jigger-1 oz. on one end 1h os. oa other end. There a,e jiggers l lh oz. one end 3A oz. other end. Pony 3A oz. Cordial glass 1 oz. l dash about 4 drops Cocktail glasses vary in size from 21h to 31h oz. (One must use judgment according to the drink being mixed. An egg has from 111.z to 2 l/2 oz. expansion if properly shaken). Use mixing glass Muddle 1h Lemon with l barspoon sugar Fill glass 1/2 shaved Ice l jigger Whiskey Shake well. Strciin into sour glass. Decorate with fruit and serve. GIN, BRANDY, RUM or any spirituous liquor may be substituted for Wblskey. AMER PICON SOUR Use mixing glass lf2 shaved ice Juice 1h Lime l dash Grenadine or CreJJle de Cassis I jigger Amer Picon Shake well Strain into sour glass. Daa'b. with seltze r if requested. 54 SOURS WHISKEY SOUR
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