1944 Bartender's Friend by Nick Thomas

MORNING GLORY FIZZ Juice of '/i Lemon 1 Teaspoonful Sugar 1 Egg White 2 Dashes Anisette 1 oz. Scotch Whiskey

PINK LADY 'h oz. Lemon Juice Equal Grenadine 1 Teaspoonful Cream 1 oz. Dry Gin

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SAINT CHARLES Fine Ice l oz. Brandy 1 oz. Port Wine 2 Teaspoonsful Sugar l/4 oz. Lemon Juice

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SILVER FIZZ Juice of 'h Lemon 2 Teaspoonsful Sugar 1 Egg White l 'h oz. Dry Gin

WHISKEY SOUR 'h Lemon Juice 2 Teaspoonsful Sugar 1 oz. Whiskey

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