1946 Around the World with Jigger Beaker & Flask by Charles H Baker Jr


ing the dose and stirring into the boiling hot water until it is pungent enough to suit us. 5 lbs of sugar X lb, about Yz cup, of strained honey 4 Yz gallons of water I scant tsp of lemon extract Yz cup of strained lemon juice 5 oz of bruised ginger root X white of l egg Cut up peel of the lemons Boil the bruised ginger root in 3 qts of water for Yz hr; now add the sugar, lemon juice, honey and peel. Turn in the rest of the water- 15 qts to be exact, or 3 % gals, and briskly boiling at the time, too. Let cool gradually and when cold strain through several thicknesses of cloth, then stir in the egg white to clarify; also the lemon extract.... Let stand in a crock for 4 days, then bottle in sterilized stone bottles. This receipt will keep for ~any months, and is enough for slightly over 8 doz bottles. . Personally we prefer receipt No. I, as it has more sparkle and life-– something essential to the drinks mentioned in this volume. We also suggest adding 3 cups of honey to No. II, deducting that much sugar. CARDINAL PUNCH, from the FILES of the LATE C.H. B. QuEN– NELL, MENTIONED ELSEWHERE in these VoLUMEs, and GRACIOUSLY CONTRIBUTED as a TYPICAL OLD-TIME ENGLISH RECEIPT from the COUNTRY in & around BERKHAMSTEAD, HERTFORDSHIRE Take 2 qts of uncooked cranberries, and simmer them in just enough water to cover until soft, together with the yellow peel of 2 lemons. When berries are very tender crush them up and strain through a jelly cloth. Let cool and then add the juice of the 2 lemons, 4 c~ps of sugar, l pint of orange juice and about 2 qts of cold water. Chill now, turn into a bowl containing a big single lump of ice, and point up with 4 bottles of really good ginger ale or ginger beer. It is an aromatic, pungent and tart drink, with a lovely colour.... It may also be poured into glasses or goblets half filled with cracked ice, and drunk through brightly coloured straws.

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