1946 Around the World with Jigger Beaker & Flask by Charles H Baker Jr
fill the glass with chilled champagne, finally floating on very care– fully 2 tbsp of genuine green Chartreuse-no pineapple, no mint sprig, no cherry garnish. It is cooling, refreshing, invigorating, a de– light to eye and palate. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL No. III, in the CHARMING STYLE of the JocKY CLUB in R10 de JANEmo Choose a large tapering champagne cocktail glass; inside of this build a tower of 4 ice cubes, crown it with a lump of sugar saturated with 4 dashes of orange bitters. Against the sides of the glass lean 2 sticks of ripe fresh pineapple, encircle the ice tower with a spiral of green lime peel, and fill with well chilled champagne, medium dry, and not too acid in type. Now as the crowning gesture carefully float on r tbsp of cointreau. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL No. IV, the CoRRECT NA:rvIB of which Is the IMPERIAL CossAcK CRUSTA., and ONE of the MosT STARTLING & INTRIGUING DRINKS in the FAR EAST We stumbled into this classic, as we did several other items of precious interest, in the French Concession of Shanghai long before the days of undeclared wars, and at the house of a friend whose name it is not seasonable to mention. It is an expensive cocktail as cocktails march, but now and again we find occasion to celebrate this thing or that, and no guest can fail to be favourably impressed by the appear– ance, size and taste of this formula-which came out of White Russia when Russia was Russia-and Kolchak wasn't retreating in Siberia ahead of that breaking tide of Reds; the prey of cowardice, politics and corruption. Take a large champagne cocktail glass, and ice it well. Split a green lime, or lemon, lengthwise and rub its combined oils and juices over the whole inside of the crystal, and then on out and down a full Yz" below the rim. First dip this lip into powdered sugar, then fill the whole glass with the sugar-emptying it out and permitting what sticks to remain.... Now add 2 dashes of orange bitters, r jigger of . 23 .
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