1946 Around the World with Jigger Beaker & Flask by Charles H Baker Jr
tempo of the drink slightly, due to a trifle of ice still remaining in it after final soda goes in; but like the present "Tropical" Daiquiri thus frozen in The Mixer, it is an improvement over the old manual shak– ing method. FIZZ, a la VIOLETTE, a CAIRENE INNOVATION SERVED Us in the HoME of AHMED SOLIMAN, whose FAMILY for 400 YEARS HAs MADE & MARKETED PERFUMES & PERFUME EssENCES in the SAME SPOT in the KHAN el KALILI BAZAAR, CAIRO Ahmed we consider one of our best friends in the Near East. He it was who arranged a duck shoot for us up in the Oasis Lakes in 1932, at Fayyoum; who sent us Ambar cigarettes on the occasion of our marriage, and other kindly gestures too numerous to mention. Long may his shadow extend-this man who numbers every crowned head among his clients-and thanks for this lovely Fizz, incidentally. Omit the orange flower water from the Ramos Fizz, adding instead 1 pony of imported French or Bois Creme de Violette liqueur, or Creme Yvette. Mix everything else in exactly the same way, touch the outside of the crystal glass' lip with the glass rod in the Bacon stopper of a bottle of violette perfume or essence. Serve with garnish of 1 or 2 violet blossoms floated on top. It is a pretty thing to look at, to taste, to smell. It has caused more than one bachelor to become heralded, with cause, as a stoutly clever fellow perennially capable of the right, the judicious, thing! ... In our own practice-not trusting the value of taking perfumes internally, we supply 2 short purple cellophane straws, and touch the perfume to their upper one-third just beyond lip reach, yet close to the nose tip for fragrance. 1 THE JAMAICA "GINGER" COCKTAIL, from the GuEsT BooK RECORD of a FRIEND WISE ENOUGH to WINTER on the SHORES of LOVELY MoNTEGo BAY; & DISCOVERED, A.D. 1930 , under CmcuMsTANCEs UNIMPORTANT to this WoRK Take I jigger of dry gin, Yz jigger of claret or Burgundy, Yz jigger of strained orange juice, and 3 good dashes of Jamaica ginger extract.
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