1946 Around the World with Jigger Beaker & Flask by Charles H Baker Jr


Monday morning into a nascent glowing thing, all rose and mother of pearl. Good rye, Pernod Veritas, Italian Vermouth, r/3 each Two dashes Lemon Phosphate, per drink Frappe well, and strain. HOLLAND RAZOR BLADE This rather rugged bit of canine fur was introduced to us by a Hol– lander who brought body and soul within hailing range on the occa– sion of certain dawn flight from Batavia, via Semarang and Soera– baja, to Bali, in the year of Grace 193r. ... It is for those who can stomach Hollands and is one of the promptest. Holland gin, 1Yz jiggers Dust wi'th cayenne just before Lemon, juice, Yi, or juice whole drinking lime This may be shaken with broken ice, or not. We would say yes. THE ISLE de FRANCE SPECIAL, BEING in FmsT ANALYSIS a CHAMPAGNE CocKTAIL, as well as ONE of the FINEST PICKER-UPPERS KNOWN to FRAIL FLESH, Is CoNSEQUENTLY LISTED on PAGE 24 KILROY'S BRACER, LoNG an AccREDITED MoRNING-after REJu-· VENATOR EVERYWHERE Cognac, rYz jiggers Angostura, 3 dashes Lime or lemon juice, 2 tsp Anis or anisette, Yz tsp Egg, 1 Shaved ice Shake well, turn into a goblet with some of the ice, and fill to taste with well chilled seltzer or club soda. LEFT BANK SPINE STIFFENER Dated Paris, 5:1o·A.M. May 6th, 1926, and well remembered, too! Cinzano, or good Italian vermouth, 2 jiggers Absinthe, or Pernod Veritas, 1 jigger . 85 .

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