1946 The Roving Bartender by Bill Kelly


A real sour mash recipe —70% corn, 14% rye and 16% barley malt. Scotch and Irish whiskies are made in much the same way but the Scotch retains the flavor o£ the peat smoke. I have never seen one o£ these whiskies blended with neu tral spirits, nor a Canadian whiskey either.Usquebaugh is a name used in Ireland and Scotland £or whiskey and Poteen or Potheen is also a term £or whiskey in Ireland but mostly used £or what we call moonshine. In an act o£ congress March 3rd, 1791, an excise duty on domestic whiskey was imposed. Whiskey made o£ £oreign materials was taxed eleven to thirty cents per gallon according to proo£, and whiskey £rom domestic materials nine to twenty-five cents per gallon. There were about 5000 stills in operation in Pennsylvania at that time and only a population o£ a little over 400,000. Here the whiskey rebellion started in 1794 and all because the government wanted a small cut.



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