1948 Shaking with Eddie by Eddie Clarke

"ALEXANDER COCKTAIL" (No. 2) 1/2 Brandy ( R . G . B . ) 1/4 Crême de Cacao 1/4 Fresh Cream Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. Frost rim of the glass with lemon and Castor Sugar. Shake in cocktail shaker the following ingredients : 1/6 Lemon Juice 1/6 Curacao 1/6 Maraschino 1/2 Brandy ( R . G . B . ) Strain into the prepared glass and squeeze a twist of lemon peel on drink before serving. "BOSOM CARESSER" 2/3 Brandy (R . G . B . ) 1/3 Orange Curacao Yo l k of 1 Egg Go o d dash of Grendine Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. "CLASSIC COCKTAIL"

"GOLDEN D AWN " 1/4 Dry Gin 1/4 Calvados 1/4 Ap r i co t Brandy 1/4 Orange Juice

Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. Pour into drink 1/3 teaspoonful of Grenadine. (This ingredient will sink to the bottom.)


1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Votrix Dry Vermouth Juice of1/2Lemon 1 teaspoonful Grenadine Wh i t e of1/2an Egg

Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.

" VERMOUTH AND CASSIS" Pou r 1 Glass French Vermouth 1 Liqueur Glass Crême de Cassis into a wine glass. Ad d small piece of ice and slice of orange. Stir well, then fill glass with Soda Water.


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