1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)


The BonVivant's Companion

A ^^Ferfect" Cocktail

Pluck me ten berries jrom the juniper And in a beaker of strong barley spirit The kindly juices of the fruit compress This is our Alpha. Next clap on your wings, Fly south for Italy, nor come you back Till in the cup you have made prisoner Two little thimblefuls of that sweet sirup The Romans call Martini. Pause o'er Paris And fill two eggshells with the French vermouth. Then home incontinent, and in one vessel Cage your three captives, but in nice proportions. So that no one is master, and the whole Sweeter than France, but not so sweet as Italy. Wring jrom an orange two bright tears, and shake. Shake a long time the harmonious trinity. Then in two cuplike angels' ears present them. And see there swims an olive in the bowl.

Fink Lady

% ounce dry gin

ounce apple brandy ounce lemon juice

Yi ounce grenadine White of an egg Shake with cracked ice well, strain into cocktail glass.

The drinking term "toast" actually originated jrom the medieval cus tom of placing a piece of toast in a jug of ale. [26]

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