1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)

The BonVivant's Companion


GEORGE WASHINGTON Ini 776Washingtonshippedan unruly negro to the West Indies, and wrote the captain of the vessel as foUows: "With this letter comes a negro (Tom) which I beg the favor of you to seU in anyof the Islands youmaygo to, for whatever he will fetch, and bring me in return for him: One hhd of best molasses One ditto of best rum One barrelof lymes—if goodand cheap One pot of tamarinds, containing about 10lbs One small ditto of mised sweetmeats,—about 5 lbs each —and the residue—much or little, in goodoldspirits." Shortly before this time Washington was a candidate for the Legislature. There was then aVirginia statute forbidding treating thevoters, or bribery at elections, anddeclaring illegal all elections thus obtained, yet thefollowing is thebill of theliquorWashington furnished the voters of Frederick: 40gallons of RumPunch at 3s. 6d. 7.00 15 gallons ofWineat los. pergal 7.00 Dinner for your friends 3.00 r3Yz gallons of Wine at ios. 6.15 13 gallons of beer at is. 3d. 8 quarts Cider Punch at is. 6d. Punches 4.4.2 16.3


30 gallons of strong beer at 8d. per gal 26 gallons best Barbadoes Rum at 5s. 12 lbsSFefd sugar is. 6d. 3gallons and 3quartsof beer at is. per gal [ 33 ]





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