1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)


The BonVivant's Companion

Gin Fix

I tablespoon of sugar lemon ^ wineglass of water 1 wineglass of gin Fill % full of shaved ice Stir with spoon, ornament the top with fruits in season.

Horse's Neck Large thin glass

2 dashes lemon juice Peel lemon in a long string, place in glass, fill glass with ice I bottle ginger ale. Serve.

Mamie Taylor

Peel of lemon in i string placed in glass so that it hangs over I jigger applejack Yi glass of cracked ice Bottle of imported ginger ale. Serve.

Here's to turkey when we're hungry, Champagne when we are dry, A pretty girl when you need her. And heaven when you die. [56]

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