1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)


The BonVivant's Companion

Brandy Julep

Yz teaspoonful of sugar Add a little water to dissolve sugar

Four sprigs of mint I jigger of brandy I dash of Jamaica rum Fill glass with ice. Trim with fruits in season.

Champagne Julep

I lump of sugar I sprig of mint Fill glass with champagne Ornament with fruit in season and serve.

Gin Julep The gin julep is made with the same ingredients as the mint julep, omitting the fancy fixings.

Toast drunk by dying Englishmen in the Black Hole of Calcutta: Stand to your glasses steady, And drink to your comradeY eyes;

Here's a cup to the dead already And here's to the next that dies.

home: The father's kingdom; the child's paradise; The mother's world. [62 ]

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