1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)


The BonVivant's Companion

Bishop Stick an orange full of cloves and roast it before a fire. When brown enough, cut it into quarters and pour over it a quart of hot port wine. Add sugar to taste. Let the mixture simmer for half an hour.

Archbishop Same as Bishop, substituting claret for port.

Cardinal Same as above, substituting champagne for claret.

Pope Same as above, substituting Burgundy for champagne.

Bottled Velvet A bottle of Moselle; half a pint of sherry; the peel of a lemon, not too much soasto havethe flavorpredominate;two tablespoon- fuls of sugar; add a sprig of verbena. All must be well mixed, strained, and then iced. Champagne Velvet For this drink a bottle of champagne and a bottle of porter (both cold) must be used. Fill the goblet half full of porter and the balancewith champagne. Stir with a spoon, slowly and care fully, and serve. [68]

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