1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)


The Bon Vivant's Companion

Light Guard Punch For a party of twenty

3 bottles of champagne I bottle of pale sherry

I bottle of cognac I bottle of sauterne I pineapple, sliced 4 lemons, sliced Sweeten to taste, mix in a large punch bowl, cool with a large lump of ice, and serve immediately. Two bunches of (Waldmeister) Woodruff, cut in two or three lengths. Place it in a largeglass, fill up with Martell brandy, cover it up, and let it stand for two hours until the essence of the Wood ruff is extracted. Cover the bottom of the bowl with granulated sugar; pour 5 bottlesof clubsoda over it; cut up 4 oranges in slices, Yi pineapple, berries, cherries, and grapes. 8 bottles Moselle wine I bottle champagne Yz curacao Yz maraschino Martell brandy Then put your Woodruff, brandy, etc., into the three gallons of excellent May Wine Punch. Surround the bowl with ice; serve in wineglass in such a man ner that each glass will get a piece of all the fruits; then fill with ladle, and serve. [82 ] May Wine Punch Use large punch bowl

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