1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)

The BonVivant's Companion

fancy drinks

Tea Funch Make an infusion of the best green tea, an ounce to a quart of boilingwater. Put before the fire a silver or other bowl to become quite hot, and then put into it Yi pint of good brandy Yz pint of rum Set them alight, and pour in the tea gradually, mixing it from time to time with a ladle. It will remain burning for some time, and isto be poured in that state into the glasses. In order to increase the flavor, a few lumps of sugar should be rubbed over the lemon peel. This punch may be made in a china bowl, but in that case the flame goes off more rapidly. 1 bottle of champagne 2 bottles of soda water 1 liqueur glass of curacao 2 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar I slice of pineapple, cut up Put all ingredients together in a small punch bowl; mix well; serve in champagne glasses. West Indian Fzmch This punch is made the same as Brandy Punch, but to each glass add a clove or two of preserved ginger and a little of the syrup. [89] Yi pound of lump sugar Juice of a large lemon Tiptop Funch For party of five

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